In an earnest bid to cash in on the demand for medical equipment in the COVID-affected world, the state-owned Keltron that has been into production of electronic equipment till date is foraying into the health sector by launching devices like ventilators and oxygen concentrators.
Though the ambitious project of producing ventilators and oxygen concentrators is just in the initial stage, the organisation, with the help of the Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory, Kochi, has started production of hand-held non-contact thermal probe, wall-mounted thermal scanner, paper disinfectant and UV-Box (ultraviolet disinfectant box), which can spruce up the fight against COVID-19.
Keltron managing director TR Hemalatha said that the organisation is going to focus more on healthcare products in the future seeing the business prospects it has got. “During the COVID times, we came to know that we need to focus more on healthcare system as it has got immense future. We sense there is a big growth potential in that sector and our entry to the scene will help the public as we can provide them with cost-effective medical equipment,” she said.
Products in pipeline
Among the four products that are lined up for production, Hemalatha said the paper disinfectant and UV-Box have invited the attention of customers. “We are getting several queries about the two products. Within two weeks, all four products will be out in the market,” she said.
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Regarding ventilators and oxygen concentrators, which are used for supplementing oxygen to people having pulmonary diseases, Keltron is playing it safe as they first want to prepare a “perfect design before moving to the next phase”.
“We are not rushing things as our first objective is to create a perfect, economically feasible design for the devices without compromising on the facilities. We won’t price the machines high. Right now, we are looking for technical tieups and both the products will be launched under our own brand name,” she said.
Keltron is eying to penetrate the health equipment market more in the wake of COVID-19. “The government’s directive is to focus on production of healthcare equipment and COVID is just a trigger. Our focus will be on the healthcare sector. That’s the future,” Hemalatha added. Keltron is planning to make the equipment available in global market.
The organisation, with the help of the Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory, Kochi, has started production of handheld non-contact thermal probe, wall-mounted thermal scanner, paper disinfectant and UV-Box (ultraviolet disinfectant box), which can spruce up the fight against COVID-19.
Source: The New Indian Express